Monday, September 28, 2009

Tinkerbell Sleeps

Some days I just think the days whiz on by me (us). Between drop offs and pick ups it seems like we are always on the move. Today wasn't any different. Miss Bella and I both had a busy day (me...helped the kids with school pictures even though it all ran pretty smooth; I gained a couple quick volunteer hours) and Bella had a busy day of school, lunch at Burger King, home to watch Swan Lake for I swear the hundreth time and then of course a nap. I was able to transport her to the car and she stayed Little Miss Tinkerbell had a nice nap... that is until brother got in the car. It all worked out since we had to make a pit stop at the grocery store!

(And mom I was stopped at a light so NO I wasn't driving and taking photos)

I keep telling myself I will be better about posting so I'm working on a first day of school post with lots of photos and a summer reading post from Ethan. He was a super reader this summer!

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