Saturday, May 22, 2010

My first 5k

I have been doing a walk/running class on Tuesday nights and our class ended this past Tuesday...Today was I guess you could say our "graduation". It was what we have all been working towards (some were even doing the 10k or the 1/2 marathon the next day). I will admit I didn't do my "homework" like I should have been doing so I wasn't ready to run the whole 5k, but I had been doing a few walk/runs where I was doing 2 minute runs and then I would walk until I felt ready again. Today I did it... I had a goal of finishing and finishing in under 45 minutes. It doesn't sound like an amazing time, but it was my goal. (Last year I did WALK a 5k with my parents on a very hill course =) but were pretty much last place and did it in just under an hour) So if I could do it in 45 minutes that was pretty much putting me at 15 minute miles and I felt that was a decent goal.

I finished my race and according to the big time readout I finished in 46:47 so almost 2 minutes over my goal time. Looking back even though my shins were killing me (I need to figure out how to stop them from hurting everytime I walk) I think I could have ran/jogged some more which would have put me in under 45 minutes. It is done and I can't go back and change it, but looking forward to my next one (possibly June 5th).

I've only got a quick cell phone picture from just before we started and it isn't the best =)  I am hoping that since they had a photographer there that there will be at least one decent one of me during the race. I know he took at least one just before I turned to cross the "finish line" LOL I didn't know if I should be looking at the camera or just looking ahead of me =)  Ahh we will see. I hope to post pictures later!

Thanks to all my friends for such great support and I can't wait to do another one!